Thursday, 12 January 2012

preliminary task - feed the fish

We had to do a preliminary task where we had to create a short film called 'feed the fish'. We were given a script to follow and had too think of a creative way to work around it. We decided to not take the title literally and instead we used 'the fish' as a person held captive. As this was our first proper filming task there was a lot of things we learnt from it and a lot of things that could of been improved although I think we achieved a positive outcome and learnt about the roles and responsibilities we needed in teamwork. We achieved a variety of different camera shots in our film such as high angle shot when looking at the image of the next victim. The shot is of the photo being slammed down onto the table and the image is clearly circled in red and labelled victim which connotes danger and the idea of child abuse and kidnapping. We used continuity editing during the conversation between the two people as we originally filmed it as the actors reading their whole scripts and in both sitting in the same place. Some aspects of this have shown through and creates an unrealistic effect and we have learnt we need to think more carefully about what can be seen in the whole shot. We also used a panning shot to show the character running up the stairs which means we see the whole journey of her running making the fact she is in a rush much more obvious and clear. We faced a variety of problems during our preliminary task to do with filming, editing and managing time. We lost some of our footage when downloading it onto the computer and we did not have enough time to re-do it before the deadline so unfortunately we had to do without. We also had difficulty with filming because we had little time when we could all be together meaning we had to make individual decisions at times without consulting the rest of our group, the same applied to the editing. We also forgot things such as a title and credits etc which did not matter to much for this task but we must pay a lot of attention too in the future. Overall I think we completed the task well and we did have everything done for the deadline and we were the only group who managed to do that showing we do work well together and we have responsibilty. Although we faced difficulties we learnt a lot which we can apply to coming tasks.

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